Wednesday 11 November 2015


Pada 18 September 2015, Program Gempak Super Fizik 2015 telah diadakan bertujuan meningkatkan kualiti pencapaian bagi mata pelajaran PHY143 Fizik Kejuruteraan I. Seramai 120 pelajar telah terpilih dan terlibat dalam menjayakan dalam program ini. Program ini dikendalikan oleh pelajar-pelajar terpilih yang mengambil subjek PHY143 yang bertindak sebagai mentor dan dipantau oleh pensyarah yang mengajar PHY143. Seramai 15 mentor daripada kalangan pelajar cemerlang telah hadir bagi berkongsi kepakaran dengan rakan-rakan pelajar yang lain.
Program ini berlangsung selama 3 jam, iaitu daripada pukul 9.00 pagi hingga 12.00 tengahari di mana mentor berperanan dalam memberi tunjuk ajar kepada peserta dalam menyelesaikan masalah pembelajaran Fizik. Pembahagian kepada 15 kumpulan kecil dibuat bagi memudahkan proses pembelajaran dan perundingan berjalan dengan lancar.
Seramai 6 orang pensyarah bertugas memantau perjalanan perjalanan program iaitu Pn. Nurul Huda Kamarulzaman, Pn. Rafiza Abdul Rahman, Pn. Nurul Nazuha Arrifin, En. Baktiar Musa, En. Fadhli Dzul Hikmi Mohd Fauzi dan En. Saiful Baktiar Hashim. Pengisian program tersebut adalah mengkhusus kepada menjawab soalan-soalan peperiksaan akhir semester terdahulu.
Perundingan dan pemantauan yang berterusan kepada pelajar terpilih ini mendapat respon positif daripada semua pelajar terlibat, dengan rata-rata mengatakan bahawa program sebegini membantu mereka untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran dengan lebih konsisten. Diharap dengan adanya program akademik ini dapat memberi lebih pendedahan kepada para pelajar tentang cara belajar yang betul.

Disediakan oleh: Pn. Nurul Huda Kamarulzaman, Pn. Rafiza Abdul Rahman, Pn. Nurul Nazuha Arrifin, En. Baktiar Musa, En. Fadhli Dzul Hikmi Mohd Fauzi dan En. Saiful Baktiar Hashim.

Monday 9 November 2015

IPv4 Subnetting

IPv4 address consists of 32-bit binary numbers and it is represented in decimal number such as Each octet contains 8-bit, hence maximum numbers for each octet is 255. It is important as a network engineer to identify classes of IP address. Table 1 and Table 2 show IP address classes and the details of IP classes correspondingly. As mentioned earlier in the article ‘Introduction to IP Addressing’, we already know that the address is a private address. ‘NAT’ or Network Address Translation in a router will convert private addressing to the real addressing.

From Table 1, we can identify that Class A contains the biggest amount of hosts compared to other classes. It means that Class A can support maximum 16,777,214 hosts. How do we get this number? The host portion for Class A is 24-bits. Thus, 224 = 16,777,216. However, we have to subtract two from it due to the value of broadcasting and network addresses. Then, we can get maximum hosts for Class B and C are 216­-2 and 28-2 correspondingly. Broadcasting address is an address which consists all ones in host portion, while network address is an address that consists all zeros in host portion. From Table 1 also, we can identify that Class C contains the biggest number of subnets compared to other classes. For Class A, we get the value of subnets with 28-1-1=127, Class B 216-2=16,384 and Class C 224-3=2,097,152.

Figure 1 is an example of the network for Class B. As a network engineer, we know that 131.108 is the network portion and the rest are the hosts’ portion. However, the host portion is used for subnetting to create more subnets within the network., and are represented as network addresses for each LANs. We can assume that the first octet for host portion is used for subnetting. Default subnet mask for Class B is For this network, it changes to because of the first octet of host portion is used for subnetting. Figure 2 shows the Class B which is used for subnetting.

Subnetting is a technique where network administrator borrows bits from host portion to create subnetworks (subnets). Followings are the rules of borrowing bits from host portion:
                                i)            Class A address consists of 24 host bits:
We can borrow between 2 to 22 bits for a subnet ID.
                               ii)            Class B address consists of 16 host bits:
We can borrow between 2 to 14 bits for a subnet ID.
                             iii)            Class C address of 8 host bits:
We can borrow between 2 to 6 bits for a subnet ID.

If we are given the IP address with subnet mask, we can get the Network Address by ‘AND’ed both addresses. For instance, an IP address is and the subnet mask is (same example as before). Figure 3 is the solution to get the network address. Finally the network address is and we can easily get the broadcast address that is We can list the first host address until the last host as follows:
First host :
2nd host:
Last host:

For this network, we can list other subnets as shown in Table 3.

Let’s take a look at this example shown in Figure 4. IP packet destination is Because this address is of Class B, it routes to address Within the network, we route to 130.29.X.0 where X is the subnet. This is done by using a subnet mask which extends the range of bits representing the network. Only the router with network address of will share the information with the adjacent routers so that the packet can be delivered to its destination as illustrated in Figure 5.


Prepared by:
Siti Sara Binti Rais

Sunday 8 November 2015

Introduction To IP Addressing

In order to allow global communications among all devices in the Internet, the identifier is used at the network layer for delivery from host to host. It is identical to the telephone system which the telephone numbers consist of the country code and area code as part of the identifying scheme. The identifier in the network layer is called Internet address or IP address with 32-bit address (IPv4). IP addresses are unique in which each address defines one and only one connection to the internet. IP addresses are also universal where the addressing scheme must be accepted by any hosts connected to the internet. IP address is also known as logical address.

                IPv4 consists of 32-bit address which means it can support to 232 devices (4,294,967,296) in the world. However, almost 600 million are reserved and cannot be used for public routing [2]. The addresses are allocated to countries by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) via the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) [2] and we can clearly observe via
Some addresses are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

We can get information regarding to our IP address by typing ‘ipconfig/all’ in Command Prompt as shown in Figure 1. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet before you run the prompt. As shown in Figure 1, apart from getting an IP address of your computer, you can also know the Physical Address of your computer and other information. Physical address or MAC Address is an Ethernet address which uniquely identifies computers and interfaces. It is burned into Read-Only Memory (ROM) in the Network Interface Card (NIC). MAC address consists of 48-bits and is expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits, such as 0000.0c12.ab89 or 00-00-0c-12-ab-89. Figure 2 shows the division of MAC address into two parts; the first six hexadecimal digits are the manufacturer or vendor identifier and the remaining six hexadecimal digits represent the serial number or other value administered by the manufacturer. MAC address works at Data Link Layer in OSI model.

Figure 1 IP configurations in Command Prompt

Figure 2 MAC address
Compared to MAC address, IP address works at Network Layer in OSI model. When we deal with the internet, we refer to the TCP/IP model instead of OSI model. However, IP address is in the same layer for both models but with different name, Network layer in OSI model, Internet layer in TCP/IP model. The differences between TCP/IP and OSI model is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Differences beween TCP/IP and OSI model

IP addresses are expressed in decimal numbers such as IP addresses are categorized into five classes as depicted in Table 3. For the public addressing scheme, only Class A, B and C are used. Class D is utilized for multicast network while Class E is reserved for future or experimental purposes. We can identify the class of our IP address based on the first value by referring to Table 3. For instance, my IP address as shown in Figure 1 is Because my IP address begins with 10, it is in decimal range of 0 to 127 which means the IP address is in Class A. Identifying the classes are important to develop a local network for assigning devices in the network. However, this is not discussed here.

Table 3 IP Address Classes

 Nowadays, IP addresses are running out due to the large amount of networks that have been allocated. The problem we face today, more than one computer and smartphone are used for one home. Even, the electrical and mechanical appliances are being enabled for Internet access these days. Thus, some addresses that had been blocked for reserving special purposes before, are currently used for private networking. Followings are the ranges and the amount of private IPs: -                              16,777,216 –                         1,048,576 –                     65,536

Private IP addresses are also known as ‘Non-Routable Addresses’. Do not be surprised if these private IP addresses can be the same as your neighbors'. Routers recognize the private address belongs to our network and never forwards the packet to other networks if it is not necessary. However, we still require a real address from the router. Network Address Translation (NAT) is performed by a router to change private IP address to real IP address if the packet needs to be sent to the internet.

In the future, the use of Internet might be widely used by more than 4.2 billion of devices. In order to overcome this problem, IPv6 has been defined and developed. IPv6 uses 128-bits rather than the 32-bits currently used in IPv4, which means it can support number of devices as much as 2128. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 represents its number by using hexadecimal numbers. For further reading, feel free to check the link


Written by:
Siti Sara Binti Rais

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Advantages of AC Power over DC Power

We certainly have heard the term AC and DC power in everyday life where it is often associated with electricity but we may not know it in depth. If we randomly ask a layman about electricity, the person would probably say it is the power of magic that allows the lights to be turned on as well as makes a personal computer works. And if we ask randomly what is the AC power and DC power, the person may not all be able to answer correctly or perhaps he or she does not want to know about it at all.

Before going further about what is the AC power and DC power, let's go to the introduction first. Basically, there are two main sources of power in our daily lives namely DC power and AC power. Both of them have its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the circumstances and situations. But, did you know that a resource which is used in most of the equipment that we use every day come from which source? DC power or AC power? In fact, most of the equipment that we use daily at homes and offices commonly use AC power electricity as a main power source.

AC stands for alternating current, it is a form of electrical current that flows back and forth direction, unlike direct current (DC), which forms a permanent trend. The usual waveform of an AC current is a sine wave, as it produces a form of the most efficient electricity transmission. However, in certain applications different waveforms are used, such as a triangular waveform or a square wave. Generally, the AC refers to the form of electrical energy that is delivered to homes and businesses. However, audio and radio signals carried by the electrical wires are also examples of alternating current. AC electricity is measured according to its cycles, with one complete cycle being counted each time a given current travels in one direction and then doubles back on itself. An electrical current is able to complete many cycles per second, and is then given its frequency rating based on that number. That is why AC power commonly used in most part of our lives. Hertz is the unit for measuring an electrical cycle. The typical frequency in Malaysia is 50 Hertz (Hz), which indicates that the current is performing 60 cycles per second.
The difference between AC power and DC power

 Most of the electricity consumed and produced use the AC as an energy source because AC offers many advantages over DC. One of them is the AC can be produced at high voltage, but DC cannot be produced at high voltage since the sparking which starts the commutator at high voltage will cause the commutator gets damaged. Besides that, high voltages AC generator are much easier  to use and cheaper than DC generators of the same range. It is because there is no commutator in the AC generator which is costly and contains sensitive part which is prone to damage. AC can be stepped up or stepped down with a static device called transformer. When a voltage is stepped up, the small value of current will be produced. This small current produces less heat and can be transmitted through just a thin conductor. Thus it is possible to transmit AC at high voltages. This reduces the size of conductor, transmission losses and also increases transmission efficiency. At the receiving station, voltages can also be stepped down to the desired value by using step down transformer. This is the most important reason for generating and using AC as electrical energy. In conclusion, whether AC or DC power, both of them are very useful throughout our life. Without them, it is impossible for us to turn on the PC or even light up the bulb.
The difference between AC power and DC power system
By: Nik Nur Shaadah Nik Dzulkefli
       Norizan Ahmed

Ibnu Haitham- Tokoh Ilmuan Islam

Apabila kita mempelajari bidang sains dan teknologi, kita selalunya terdedah dengan sains dalam dunia barat. Namun, jika kita mempelajarinya secara mendalam tentang sejarah sains dalam islam, kebanyakan ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi datang nya daripada ilmuan dan tokoh-tokoh islam. Nama-nama seperti Khawarizmi, Ibnu Sina, Al Jabar yang kebanyakannya sangat terkenal dengan ilmu dalam bidang perubatan dan matematik.
Salah seorang ilmuan yang penting dalam bidang Fizik ialah Ibnu Haitham. Ibnu Haitham merupakan seorang tokoh ilmuwan islam yang tidak asing lagi dalam bidang sains dan teknologi semasa zamannya. Bukan sahaja cenderung dalam bidang Fizik, Ibnu Haitham terkenal dalam bidang falsafah, matematik, astronomi dan kedoktoran. Ibnu Haitham atau nama sebenarnya Abu Ali Muhammad bin al-Hasan bin al-Haitham al-Basri Al-Misri dilahirkan pada 354 H bersamaan dengan 965 M, di negeri Basrah, Iraq. Beliau memulakan karier nya dengan menjadi pegawai pemerintah di bandar kelahirannya. Kemudian beliau merantau ke Ahwaz dan Baghdad. Di sini bermulanya penumpuan beliau dalam bidang penulisan. Penemuan beliau yang terkenal ialah “hukum pembiasan”, iaitu hukum fizik yang menyatakan bahawa sudut pembiasan dalam pancaran cahaya sama dengan sudut masuk. Hukum ini dikenali dengan nama “Snell’s Law” dalam dunia Fizik moden.
Selain itu, beliau menggabungkan matematik dan fizik dalam menghasilkan teori dalam bidang optik. Penyelidikannya merangkumi teori dalam gerakan cahaya, imej dan bayang-bayang. Ibnu Haitham telah menggunakan mesin lathe (larik) untuk membuat cermin kanta cekung dan kanta cembung untuk penyelidikannya. Al-Munadzir merupakan salah satu karya Ibnu Haitham yang teragung dalam bidang kajian optik. Pada tahun 1270M, Witelo telah menterjemah karya tersebut dan kemudian diterbitkan dengan nama Karya Thesaurus Opticae.
Terdapat sebanyak hampir 200 karya Ibnu Haitham yang terkenal seperti  Maqalah fi Istikhraj Samt al-Qiblah(penyusunan kota), Maqalah fi hayat al-Alam(astronomi), Kitab fi al-Minasit(kamus optik), Fi al-Maraya al-Muhriqah bi al-Dawair(cermin yang membakar), Maqalah fi Daw al-Qamar(cahaya dan gerakan langit), Zawahir al-hasaq(gejala senja), Fi Kayfiyat al izlal, Fi al-Asar Allazi al-Qamar, Fi ad-Dawar, Fi al-Makan, fi al-Mulumar, Fi Misahat al-Mujassamah al- Mukafi, Fi Irtifa al-Quth. Keseluruhan karya tersebut berkisar tentang kajian ilmu fizik dan astronomi dan hampir keseluruhannya telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa-bahasa Eropah dan menjadi sumber rujukan bagi seluruh ilmuan di dunia.


Ditulis oleh:

Nurul Huda Kamarulzaman


Malaysia merupakan antara negara pengeluar utama getah asli di dunia. Selain dari pada mengeluarkan getah asli, Malaysia juga telah berjaya menghasilkan produk-produk bermutu daripada getah seperti sarung tangan, tayar dan sebagainya. Menurut ASTM D1566-90 (1990), getah ditakrifkan sebagai bahan yang berupaya pulih apabila tekanan dikenakan kepadanya. Getah tidak larut tetapi boleh berubah apabila dicampurkan ke dalam pelarut seperti benzene dan metil etil keton.
Getah ini boleh dibahagikan kepada dua jenis iaitu getah asli dan getah sintetik (Hanafi 2004). Elastomer yang utama adalah getah asli. Getah asli merupakan suatu polimer hidrokarbon linear yang terdiri dari unit-unit isoprena (Ibrahim et al. 1995). Ia terdiri daripada unit-unit ulangan isoprena yang disusun secara kepala ke ekor (Brydson 1978).  Getah asli (NR) diperolehi dalam bentuk cecair likat yang dikenali sebagai lateks dan struktur rantaian polimernya ialah cis-1,4 poliisoprena (Mustaffa 1991). Cis-1,4 poliisoprena ialah satu rantaian panjang yang mempunyai berat molekul purata lebih kurang 5 x 10^5 g/mol. Lateks atau cis-1,4 poliisoprena dengan kumpulan sisi – CH3- ditempatkan hanya pada satu bahagian rantai polimer. Indek 1,4 menunjukkan unit-unit kimia yang berulangan pada atom karbon yang pertama dan keempat ikatan kovalen rantai polimer.
 Getah asli termoplastik (TPNR) merupakan bahan termoplastik yang disediakan melalui pengadunan getah asli dan bahan poliolefin. Terdapat dua kumpulan bahan-bahan plastik iaitu termoplastik dan termoset. Kedua-dua jenis plastik ini mempunyai sifat-sifat yang istimewa dan sering digunakan secara meluas dalam bidang industri. Bahan-bahan termoplastik boleh dilentur, dilembutkan dan boleh diproses berulang kali dengan mengenakan proses pemanasan dan tekanan. Daya antara rantaian molekul ini adalah daya van der waals yang lemah. Oleh itu, dengan mudahnya haba akan melemahkan daya di antara molekul dan menyebabkan bahan termoplastik menjadi lembut semula.
Getah asli termoplastik (TPNR) disediakan dengan pengadunan getah asli dengan poliolefin seperti polipropena (PP) dan polietilina (PE) (Ibrahim et al. 1995). Para penyelidik banyak melakukan penyelidikan bagi getah asli termoplastik dengan pelbagai getah asli dan poliolefin seperti NR/HDPE, NR/LDPE dan NR/PP (Sahrim et al. 1994). Mengikut kajian yang telah dijalankan oleh Sahrim et al. (1994) mendapati bahawa sifat-sifat mekanik yang baik dapat dihasilkan dengan komposisi NR/HDPE : 60/40.
Getah asli termoplastik dijangka dapat bersaing dalam pasaran getah kerana getah asli termoplastik mempunyai banyak kelebihan seperti (Elliot 1987):

               i.          Kos pengeluaran yang rendah berbanding getah pemvulkanan.
              ii.          Mempunyai kerintangan terhadap larutan asid, bes dan garam.
             iii.          Harga yang lebih rendah berbanding poliuretana.
            iv.          Bahan serpihan yang boleh diproses semula.
              v.          Mempunyai kebolehan untuk melentur pada suhu rendah


ASTM D1566. 1990. American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, PA.

Brydson, J.A. 1978. Rubber chemistry, London. Applied Science. Publisher Ltd.

Elliot, D.J. 1987. Commercial prospects of thermoplastic natural rubber Malaysian Rubber Producers Research Association, Hertford, United Kingdom.

Hanafi, I. 2004. Komposit polimer diperkuat pengisi dan gentian pendek semula jadi. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Ibrahim, A., Sahrim, A. & Che Som, S. 1995. Blending of natural rubber with linear low-density polyethylene. Journal Applied Polymer Science 58: 1125-1133.

Mustaffa Hj Abdullah. 1991. Sains Bahan Jilid 1. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

.Sahrim, A., Ibrahim, A., Che Som, S., Kohiya, S. & Yoon, S.R. 1994. Natural rubber-HDPE blends with liquid natural rubber as a compatilizer. I. Thermal and mechanical properties. Journal Applied Polymer Science  51: 1357-1363.

Disediakan oleh:
Nurul Huda Kamarulzaman

Monday 2 November 2015


“Exploring Magical Agriculture” ialah tema bagi Malaysia Agriculture Invention Show 2015 (MAGIS) yang telah berlangsung pada 20 dan 21 Oktober 2015 di Hall D, MAEPS, Serdang Selangor. Program yang berlangsung selama 2 hari ini bertujuan mempamerkan pencapaian penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) dengan ciptaan/ inovasi. Disamping itu, ia juga dapat memupuk budaya rekacipta dan meningkatkan kreativiti dan menjana ciptaan/inovasi baru dalam membangunkan sektor pertanian dan industri asas tani.

Seramai 12 orang pelajar diploma dari Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik UiTM (Terengganu) yang membentuk 4 kumpulan pelajar telah menyertai pertandingan ini. Produk pelajar ini merupakan di antara projek terbaik yang telah dipertandingkan di Electrical Engineering Innovation Exhibition and Competition (EEIEC) dan Educational Project Innovation and Competition (EPIC 2015)Berikut ialah senarai projek yang terlibat dan anugerah yang dimenangi:

Nama Projek
Manggo Collecting System
EEIEC 2015
EPIC 2015
MAGIS 2015
En.Mohamad Yusof Bin Mat Zin
Automatic Quail’s Eggs Detector
EEIEC 2015
EPIC 2015
MAGIS 2015
En.Mohamad Yusof Bin Mat Zin
Automatic Bagging Soil Mixture
EEIEC 2015
EPIC 2015
MAGIS 2015
Pn.Norhidayatul Hikmee Binti Mahzan
Pet Urine Detector
EEIEC 2015
MAGIS 2015
En. Aldrin Ali

Penulis : Syila Izawana Ismail, Norhayati Ahmad, Mohamad Taib Bin  Miskon
Sumber : Unit Penyelidikan dan Kepakaran FKE